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White Hydrangeas

Grande Dame Literary
The Writer's Salon

Storytelling Basics

Short stories are the hottest form of writing and reading at the moment. Storytelling is an art and writing is a process. Combine the two elements and hone your craft.


Short story or memoir, you are telling a story. Learn or review the parts that make up a story. We'll talk about POV, how to create a beginning, middle, and an end, GMCR (goal, motivation, conflict, resolution), word choice, and how to bring your vibrant voice to life. 


Where: ZOOM


When: November 8, 2022


Time: 12:00 to 1:00 PM EST


Course Fee: $25.00


Writing Experience:

Within 24 hours of registration, you will receive a ZOOM link. You must register on ZOOM prior to the event in order to be let into the meeting. A reminder will be sent the day before.

Please hit the register button below.
Your space will not be reserved until you have completed the checkout form.

Please proceed to checkout.



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